Important for my breed is absolutely healthness of the breedingcats.

Before the breeding, all cats are examined, specially also on genetic inherited diseases.

A cat with even a very mild gingivitis or HD for me never can be a breedingcat. 
Certainly, after the gene-test on HCM is available, also that test, being negative, is for me necessary for a breeding-cat. I had to feel myself the pain, brought through the sudden death because of HCM. More about that on my memory-page.  

The death of my kittens is the proof for the truth of the gene-test. All three kittens died of clinical HCM and were heterozygote positive on the gene-test.

Breeders, ignoring the test or breeding with positive cats, are not breeders for me, but kitten-factories. It is misusing wonderful cats. The price has to be paid by the cats and the pet-owners and I want to make very clear, that I am not accepting that. Nobody knows, when a positive cat will die, but whoever once had feel the shock, finding an obviously healthy cat suddenly death, will never forget it and never come over it. It is even worse, if a cat is suffering endless, crying of pains and oneself can only stand helpless beside it. To keep a line, it may be necessary in some few cases, to use a positive cat in breeding once (if there are no potent and negative tested litter- or halflittermates available), but then it is the duty of the breeder, to keep the positive kittens and not to sell them to pet-owners, especially not without telling about the test-result. If we all will be honest, the HCM will loose their horror within some years. Nobody can say, that he is breeding the Maine Coon out of love to that breed, when acting different. Then it is only the own breeder-pride, that is not acceptable.

The kittens are growing up in my house totally free with the other animals, to develop a social temper and to be used to everything in the house.

Megan got her first litter of Catdancer’s Conny Cramer the 17th of february in 2001.

The delivery was so easy. Within 2 hours she got her 5 kittens.

Megan was a wonderful mother. That is inherited by her grandmother Cozy Farm’s Bette Midler.

Two of her kittens (Hjerteknuser Danish Dynamite and Hjerteknuser Jane Goodall) are living together at pet-owners. The other 3 kittens stayed with me until their much to early death.

My breed is at the moment not active. The reason is very emotional. It was so hard for me, to give the kittens away, and also Megan had big problems with that. All kittens had her wonderful temper.

For that reason I decided, not to bear that for the moment again and decided, to neuter Megan.

Nevertheless I am still very interested, in what is going on in the breed and will sure have a litter again with a cat one day.